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The Tactics of Communism 


Rt. Rev. Etfsgr. Fullon J. Sheen, D.D. 

1'RlN.l n IMi PVIH-ISHE11 IN THE USmm :• t \H 9 ■ <) LKEHCA 

New Ydii 



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I APR 25 1945 1 

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Rt. Rev. Msgr. Fulton J, Sheen, D.D. 

I. Q. What ia the ultimate goal of Com- 

munism ? 

Reprinted by permission 
of u Tk* Sign" 

A, The ultimate goal of Communism is the es- 
tablishment "of world dictatorship of the prole- 
tariat." (Page 34, Program of the Communist In- 
ternational Workers' Library Publication, 1956.) 

2* Q, How does Communism propose to es- 
tablish itself? 

A. By Revolution* "The Revolution does not 
simply happen, it must be made" (Earl Browder, 
What Is Communism?, p. 163.) 

3. Q* Who makes the Revolution, the 
worker or the Communist Party? 

A. The Communist Party, "The Revolution is 
carried out by the great masses of the toilers. The 
Communist Party as the vanguard of the most 
conscious toilers acts as their organizer and guide" 
(Ibid,, p. 163.) 

The Tactics of Common 


4. Q. Does this Revolution take plncc si- 
multaneously in all the countries of the world? 

A. No. 'The Revolution cannot be conceived 
as a single event occurring simultaneously all over 

the world." (Program, p, 3J.) 

5. Q. How does the Revolution take place? 

A. It begins with a civil war which is the con- 
dition of overthrowing the established order. 
"Revolution signifies the forcible invasion of the 
proletariat into the domain of property. . . . The 
conquest of power by the proletariat is the violent 
overthrow of * . . armies, police, bureaucratic 
hierarchy, judiciary, parliaments, etc. (Program, p. 

6. Q. Will violence continue even after the 
civil war? 

A, Yes, until everyone who is opposed to Com- 
munism is crushed, "After the civil war has been 
brought to an end, the stubborn class struggle con- 
tinues in the form of a struggle between the sur- 
vivors of previous economic systems/' (Ibid., p. 

7* Q. Since Communism means the aboli- 
tion of nil private property what will hnppcn to 
the small landowners, peasant*, farmers and 
the like? 

The Tactics of Communism 


A. They must be crushed with violence. The 
"Proletariat . . . must mercilessly suppress the slight- 
est opposition on the part of the village bourgeoisie 

who ally themselves with the landowners." (Pro- 
gram, p. 49.) 

8. Q. What will happen to the city people 
who own their own homes, e. g., the grocer, the 
butcher or the saleman? 

A. They are to be left their property for a while 
"bo win them over" (Program, p. 49), but in the 
end all private property must be abolished. (Pro- 
gram, p. 30.) 

9. Q. During this period of civil war when 
private property is confiscated in the name of 
the proletarian Revolution, who plays the lead- 
tag roles — the Communist Party or the workers 
whom it claims to aid? 

A. "The Communist Party plays the hading 
rdte" (Program, p. 51, italics in original.) 

10. i}. Doc» that mean there will be any 
oilier parly permitted in a country after the 
establishment of Communism? 

A. No, Communism tolerates no rival parties. 
"The essential difference between the existence of 
parties in the Western world and with us Commun- 
ists, is that the sole possibility with Communism is 

The Tactics of Common 


the following: One party is in power and all the 
others are in jail." (Troud, November 13, 1927.) 
Troud is the official organ of the Central Commit- 
tee of the Syndicate of Soviet Workers. 

11. Q* Will the Communist Parly ever really 
renounce its control over the workers? 

A. No. The Communist Party will never re- 
nounce the role of its direction and its revolution- 
ary initiative. (International Correspondence, 
August 5, 1955.) 

12. Q. Against which groups will Com- 
munism fight during the civil war in order to 
establish the dictatorship of the Communist 

A. Against (a) all forms of private property, 
(b) against all religions, Jewish, Protestant, Cath- 
olic, (c) and against all education except material- 
istic. "The confiscation of alt property." (Program, 
p. 40.) "Systematically and unswervingly combat- 
ing religion," (Program, p. 53.) "Reconstruct 
the whole of education on the basis of scientific ma- 
terialism." (Program, p. J4.) 

13. <}, Whom do the Communists regard as 
the greatest forces standing in the way of world 

A. The main obstacles on the road toward the 
establishment of the proletarian social revolution 

Twe Tactics of Communism 

are . . . Catholic trade unions, Y. M. C. A., Jewish 
Zionist organizations. . . . The American Federa- 
tion of Labor, etc. (Program, pp. 68 and 69.) 

14. Q. Does the American Communist 
Party have any relation with the International 
Communist Party whose center is in Russia and 
whose head is Stalin? 

A. Earl Browder, the Secretary of the Com- 
munist Party of the United States says no. "The 
Communist Party does not take orders from Mos- 
cow." {What Is Commnnism? 3 p. 207*) This 
statement, however, must be judged in relation to 
the facts mentioned in the answers to questions 

15. Q. Must one be a member of the Inter* 
national Communist Party to attend its annual 
congresses in Moscow? 

A. Yes. The Plenum of the Central Committee 
of the Communist Party of the U. S. S. L, Decem- 
ber 2 J, 1935, verified Party documents of members. 
Only members may attend the sessions. 

16. Q. Did Earl Browder ever attend a Con- 
gress of the International Communist Parly in 

A. Yes. On July 28, 1935, Earl Browder acted 
as Chairman at the Seventh Session of the Seventh 


The Tactics of Communism 

Annual Congress of the International Communist 

17. Q. Does Earl Browder have any other 
relation with the International Communist 
Party than that of being present at one of its 
sessions ? 

A. Yes, He is Vice-President of the Interna- 
tional Communist Party. During the Seventh 
Congress of the International Communist Party 
Browder was criticized for not doing more to com- 
munize the millions of American unemployed. So 
impressed was he that he agreed to participate in a 
special conference of Communist leaders whose aim 
was to propagandize the unemployed of all coun- 

18. Q. Did Earl Browder* while attending 
the Congress of the International Communis! 
Parly in Moscow, ever speak of the American 
Communist Party and the Intcraatiomil Com- 
munist Party aa a unit? 

A. Yes. On July 18, 195 5, he questioned himself 
and gave answer: "How was our party able to pene- 
trate the masses and emerge from isolation? A 
great role was played by leaders in the strike move- 
ment and in the work of the party among the un- 
employed, In some of the most important strikes, 
the San Francisco general strike for one, the Com- 

The Tacitcs of Communism 


nmnist Party had a decisive, determining influ- 

19. Q, Was any other member of the 
American Communist Party admitted as a mem- 
ber of the International Communist Party dur- 
ing its Seventh Annual Congress? 

A. Yes. Comrade Darcy. (International Cor- 
respondence, October 7, 1935.) 

20. Q. Hag the International Communist 
Party of Moscow ever recommended that the 
American Communists form a Fanner-Labor 
Party, and establish n League against War and 

A. Yes. The following is from the Third Inter- 
national of Moscow. "Under American ^conditions 
the creation of a mass party of toilers a 'Labor and 
Farmer Party' might serve as a suitable form for 
winning over the broad discontented masses of the 
toilers. Such a party would be a specific form of 
the mass people's front in America. . . . Such a 
party, of course, will be neither Socialist nor Com- 
munist. But it must be an ami-Fascist party, and 
must not be an anti-Communist party." (G. Di- 
mitrov, The Working Class Against Fascism, p. 45. 
Italics are in the original.) "In no case must the 
initiative or organizing the party be allowed to pass 
into ... an anti-Communist party, a party directed 
against the revolutionary movement." (Ibid,, p. 

10 The Tactics of Communism 

46.) 'The Communist International attaches no 
conditions to unity of action except one, and that 
an elementary condition acceptable for all workers, 
namely thai unity of action can be directed against 
Fascism, against the offensive of capital, against the 
threat of war, against the class enemy. This is our 
condition." (lbid.,p,}4. In italics in the original.) 
21. Q. Has the American Communis 
Party ever recommended the formulation of a 
Fanner-Labor Party or the establishment of 
Leagues against Fascism and War? 

A. Yes. "¥c propose the coming together of 
trade unions, unemployed organizations, the Town- 
send Clubs, minority parties, such as Socialist and 
Communist, into a broad, all-inclusive Farmer- 
Labor Party." (Earl Browdcr, Lincoln and the 
Communist, p. 13.) "We must give much more 
support to the American League against War and 
Fascism, which already represents the largest united 
front ever built in America." (Ibid., p. 179.) 
[Remember the words "United Front."] 

22, Q. What docs the official organ of the 
Executive Committee of die Communist Inter- 
national say of those who say they take no 
orders from Moscow? 

A. "Those who say we do not cake orders from 
Moscow are against the proletarian state. It proves 
they arc allied to the bourgeoisie . , , and are the 

The Tactics of Communism 


enemy of the proletariat class To receive orders 

from Moscow, as Dimitrov said, is to follow the 
example of Lenin and Stalin." {htternaiimial Com- 
wunistj French edition, August 5, 193 J.) 

23. Q. How can Earl Browder be a bona fide 
member of the International Communist Parly 
mid act as Chairman at its International Con- 
gress and still say he takes no orders from Mos- 

A. There is nothing to prevent him from saying 

24. Q. Is the goal of American Comxnun- 
i«m different from the goal of International 

A. No, in both the goal is the establishment of 
the proletarian dictatorship by revolution. "In the 
revolutionary situation the Communist Party * . • 
wins some of the armed forces to its side, and leads 
the effective majority of the population to the 
seizure of State power. . . . Above all they need the 
armed forces." (Earl Browdcr, What Is Com- 
mtmism?, pp. 164 and 16 J.) 

25* Q. What does the word "Fascism" 
mean to a Communist? 

A. It means anything that is anti-Communist. 
Browdcr identifies it with the DuPonts and a "sys- 
tem of murder and concentration camps for every- 


The Tactics of Communism 

one who raises his voice against exploitation and 
oppression." (What Is Communism?, p. 106.) Di- 
mitrov says it is "rabid reaction and counter-revo- 
lution." (Working Class Against Fascism, p. 14.) 
Note: In order to think clearly about Communism 
it is well always to translate the word Fascism when- 
ever they use it as anti -Communist. When the 
Communist orator pleads for the union of the em~ 
ployed, or the unemployed, or the Negro, or stu- 
dents to fight against Fascism, remember Fascism 
to a Communist Is anti-Communism. 

26. Q. la there a Fascist Parly in the United 

A. No. 

27. Q. la there a Communist Party in the 
United States? 

A, Yes. 

28. Q. Which then is the greater danger for 

A. Communism. It must be borne In mind that 
the political problem of the world is not a choice 
between Communism and Fascism. There are other 
kinds of government besides the Fascist* for ex- 
ample, our own American form. Rather the strug- 
gle is between Communism and anti-Communism 
whatever forms the latter may assume. 

The Tactics of Communism 


29* Q. Do the Communists say they are op- 
posed to War? 

A. Yes. Hence the formation of Leagues against 


30. Q. Are they really opposed to War? 

A. They are certainly not opposed to civil war 
for in the words of Lenin, Stalin and Browder: "We 
must turn every imperialist war into a civil war/* 
They are not opposed to civil wars and revolutions 
which lead to Communism. Wars against Com- 
munism to them are always wrong. 

31. What do the Communists mean when 
they use the word "Peace"? 

A. Peace means the establishment of the Com- 
munist regime. Peace under any other regime is 
inconceivable to Communism. "The fight to main- 
tain peace is a fight against Fascism, a fight that is 
essentially revolutionary." (G. Dimitrov> The 
United Struggle for Peace r p. 18, Workers' Library 
edition.) "The anti war struggle of the mas?e* 
must be very closely combined with the struggle 
against Fascism [anti-Communism] and the Fascist 
movement," (Resolutions of the Seventh Annual 
Congress, International Correspondence, Septem- 
ber 19, 1935, p. 1184. Brackets mine,) 

32. Q. What are we to understand by Com- 
munism presenting itself as the Enemy of War 


The Tactics of Communism 

and Fascism and the friend of the Farmer and 

A. We are to understand that Communism has 
changed not its principles, but its tactics. In order 
to understand the difference let us assume that A is 
a robber by profession. He decides to rob B, C and 
D, forcibly entering their homes, hitting each 
over the head with a bludgeon and then steal- 
ing their possessions. He succeeds with B but finds 
that C and D put up considerable opposition and 
fight him off, and thereafter carry guns to prevent 
a future robbery. A now decides to give up vio- 
lence as a means of robbery. And so he plans to 
rob E, F and G in a new way. He invites them to 
dinner, tells them that he likes their families, their 
children, goes to church with them, joins the same 
golf clubs and then is finally invited into their homes 
for a week-end during which he robs them. Note 
that the principle of A's life would have remained 
unchanged, but his tactics would have changed. He 
would have used non-violent methods ro attain his 

Now this is what Communism is doing today. 
It has found that its revolutionary approach has 
been unsuccessful. Some countries have resisted 
and organized, and so, it decides to change its tactics 
and to use non-revolutionary approaches to attain 
revolutionary ends. 

The Tactics of Communism 


33. Q. Did the change in tactics originate 
in America or in Rusbib? 

A. In Russia. It became a definite policy at the 
Seventh Annual Congress of the Third Interna- 
tional held in Moscow, July and August, 1935. 
"The tactical line of the Seventh Congress corre- 
sponds to the present level of the movement and 
strength of the Communist parties/' (D. 2. Ma- 
nuilsky, The Work of the Seventh Congress, p. 65.) 

34. Q. What is the name given to- the new 
tactics of Communism? 

A. The "United Front" or "Common Front" or 
"People's Front" or "Popular Front." 

35. Q, How do the Communists propose to 
overthrow the established order? 

A. To this the Communist International replies: 
"The first thing that must be done, the thing with 
which we commence is to form a United Front." 
(G. Dimitrov, report delivered to International 
Congress, August 2, 195 J.) 

36. Q. How does Communism form the 
United Front? 

A. "By securing predominant influences in the 
broad mass proletarian organizations: Trade unions, 
factory committees, cooperative societies, sport or- 
ganizations, cultural organizations, etc. . , - the 

16 The Tactics of Communism 

masses of che urban and rural poor, over the lower 
strata of the intelligent, and over the so-called 

little man*." (Program of the Communist Inter- 
national, p. 77.) "Communists must establish die 
closest cooperation with those Left social-democratic 
workers, functionaries and organizations that fight 
against the reformist policy and advocate a United 
Front with the Communist Party" {Report of the 
Executive Committee of the Communist Interna- 
tional, August I, 1935. Original in italics.) 

37. Q, Do the United Front luetics mean 
that during an election the Communists should 
unite with any major party to prevent the clcc- 
«jon of anti^Coinmmiistic candidates, even 
though the Communists hate a ticket or a candi- 
date themselves? 

A. Yes. "The Communists must seek to estab- 
lish a United Front with the social-democratic par- 
ties and trade unions (also with the organizations of 
the toihng workers, handicraftsmen, etc.), and 
exct every effort to prevent the election of reac- 
tionary and Fascist [anti-Communist] candidates. 
In face of the Fascist [anti-Communist] danger, 
the Communists, while reserving for themselves 
freedom of political agitation and criticism, partici- 
pate in election campaigns on a common platform 
and with a common ticket of the anti-Fascist front, 
depending on the growth and success of the United 

The Tactics of Communism 


Front movement, also depending on the electoral 
system in operation." (Resolutions of the Seventh 
Annual Congress of the International Communist 
Party, International Correspondence, September 
19, 1955, p. 1179. Italics and parenthesis in the 
original; brackets mine.) 

38. Q. Would the United Front tactic* 
mean that Communism would seek to enter 
Catholic organizations in order to secure "pre- 
dominant influence"? 

A. Yes. "It would exert a powerful influence 
on the ranks of the Catholics, anarchists and unor- 
ganized workers, even on those who had temporarily 
become the victims of Fascist [anti-Communist] 
demagogy." (G. Dimitrov, The Working Class vs. 
Fascism, p. 32. Italics in original; brackets mine.) 

39. Q. Do the United Front tactics apply 
even to the Youth? 

A. Yes. "The central task of the Youth Com- 
munist International is to establish -unity of the 
youth movement against Fascism and war" (O, 
Kuusinen in his address to the Seventh World Con- 
gress, "The Youth Movement and the Fight Against 
Fascism and the War Danger," Russian edition. 
Printshop No. 7, Moscow, p. 24. Italics in origi- 
nal.) "If the representatives of the Young Com- 
munists League of the United States had not known 

18 The Tactics of Communism 

how to approach the student youth in a comradely 
fashion it would have been impossible for them to 
have developed their great united front action 
among the students, the most important of which 
was the big student's strike against war and Fascism 

° n .f ' 2 ' 19M ' in Which 184 ' 000 *"*»» ^oh 
part." (Ibid,, p. u.) 

40. Q. Do the United Front tactics mean 
that the masse* are to be gradually led to revo- 

A. Yes. 'The Communist Parties must advance 
partml slogans and demands that correspond to the 
everyday needs of the toilers, linking them up with 
the fundamental tasks of the Communist Intcrna- 
™' . (Pro f ara > P- «* italics in original.) 
Ihroughout the entire pre-t ■evolutionary period 
a most .mportant basic part of the tactics of the 
Communist Parties is the tactics of the united 
front. (Program, p. 82, italics in original.) 

41. Q. The United Front in then only a start- 
ing point for Revolution? 

A. Yes, The Party utilizes their minor every- 
day needs as a starting point from which to lead 
the working class to the revolutionary struggle for 
power. (Program, p. 80, italics in original.) 

42. Q. The change in tactics then doea not 
mean that Communism has changed? 

The Tactics of Communism 


A. No. "Tactics, generally may change, but the 
general line of the Communist International, the 
proletarian revolution, remains unchanged." (D, 
/ Mmuilsky, The Work of the Seventh Congress, 
p, 6J.) "We must fight for the unification of all 
revolutionary forces on the basis of our program 
i »f strategy, and then pass to the offensive on all 
fronts." (La Correspondence Internationale, Au- 
Kust 3, 193 J.) 

43. Q. When do the Communists propose 
lo reveal their revolutionary principles? 

A. "When Marx's writings have had some years 
of influence, the next International will be directly 
Communist and will openly proclaim its princi- 
ples." (The Correspondence of Marx and Engels, 
p. 330.) 

44. Q. What pledge did Maxim Litvinoff 
give on behalf of the U. S. S. R. when the United 
Shuck recognized Soviet Russia on November 
16, 1933? 

A. "To refrain, and to restrain all persons in gov- 
ernment service and all organizations of the gov- 
ernment . . . from any act, overt or covert, liable in 
any way whatsoever to injure the tranquillity and 
prosperity, order or security, of the whole or any 
part of the United States." 

20 The Tactics of Communism 

45. Q. Wliat U f .iiviMc.lT reported to have 

iaicl lo fellow Communists nflcr the si S iim S of 
the pledge? 

A. "Notice the pledge did not exclude the 
activities of the Third International." 

46. Q. Does Earl Brotrder love America? 

A. He says he docs. "We Communists love our 
country." {IbiJ., p. 13.) See answer to question 

47. Q. Do the Communists ailvocate vio- 

A. Tf you will forget the above quotation con. 
corning revolution the answer of Earl Browder is 
m the negative, "Communists do not advocate vio- 
lence.'' (Ihid., p. 166.) Sec answer to questions 

24 and 4?, 

4Q. Q. What is the coiulition of joining the 
Communist International of which Earl Brow- 
der is Secretary? 

A 'To create everywhere an illegal organization 
machine which at tire decisive moment wll] be help- 
ful to the Communist Party in fulfilling its duty i 
the revolution." (O. Piantnisky, Twenty-one Con- 
ditions of Admission to the Communist Interna- 

The Tactics of Communism 


49. Q* Did Earl Browder, despite hi-n love of 
America, advocate the United Front tactics to 
Win over the sailors and soldiers to foment 
revolution in America? 

A. Yes. "Soldiers and sailors can be and must 
be won for the revolution. All revolutions have 
been made with weapons which the overthrown 
rulers have relied on for their protection/' (What 
is Communlm? r p. 16?> italics in original.) 

50. Q. Has the International Communist 
Party over recommended such a method? 

A, Yes. "In seeking to prepare the transforma- 
tion of a future imperialist war into civil war, 
Communists must in every country concentrate 
their efforts on the essential portions of the im- 
perialist military machine." (Thirteenth Plenary 
Session of the Executive Committee of the Co- 
mitcrn, December, 19*3, cfr„ International Corre- 
spondence, 1934, Nos. 1 and 2. The Communist, 
February, 1934, p. 140.) 

51. Q. In obedience to the instruction* of 
ilie Communist International what periodicals 
are circulated to incite revolution in the Army 
imd Navy? 

A. The Soldier's Voice, the Shipmate's Voice and 
the Navy Yard Worker, 


The Tactics op Communism 

n5ta ?' U tLe Conui >wu»ta in virtue of the 

wthin such groups as the Y. M. C. A., church 
groups, athletic organizations, trade unions 
etc etc., to whom will the control of |]ie op ^ 
gamzation belong? 

A, "In the United Front the Communists must 
always preserve the role of director. ... The Corn- 
munist Party will never renounce its role of director 
and its revolutionary initiative." (U Correspond- 
ence Internationale, August J, 193 J.) 

53. Q. Do the new tactics mean that Com- 
rnunism has forgotten it* revolutionary goal 
and that .t has given way to peaceful reforn, or 
the continuation of American institutions? 

A. No. "Only downright scoundrds ... hope- 
less idiots can think that by means of the United 
J-ront tactics Communism is capitulating to Social 
Democracy." (D, 2. Manuilsky, The Work of the 
Seventh Congress, p, J9.) 

if tt'u Q v **?* r?** thal make m Americans 
if we believe the United Front tacths? 

A. See answer to question 53. 

55. Q. Has Earl Browder's boot, What h 
Lommunum?, any relation to the Third Inte*. 

The Tactics of Communism 


national, despite his word that he "does not 
lake orders from Moscow 9 *? 

A. The official organ of the Executive Commit- 
tee of the Communist International states? "Com- 
rade Browder's book is an excellent contribution to 
the ideological propaganda and agitational work of 
the Communist Party in the United States of 
America. The book may be considered a direct re- 
sult of the work performed by the Communist In- 
ternational under the leadership of Comrade Di- 
mitrov." (Page 816, June, 1936.) 

56, Q. Which do the American people fear 
more: the man who makes a frontal attack 
with a sword, or the man who runs a knife in 
your back? 

A. The American people dislike deceit even un- 
der the name of tactics. It would therefore be well 
to be on our guard against Communismj which offi- 
rially states! "We want to attack our class enemies 
in the rear. 1 * (O. Kuusinen, "Youth Movement." 
Speech delivered at Seventh World Congress, Au- 
gust 17, 1935, Russian edition, p. 31.) 

57. Q. How did Our Blessed Lord warn the 
world against such tactics? 

A. "Beware of false prophets who come to you 

24 The Tactics of Communism 

in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are 
ravening wolves.* 1 (Matt. vii. 1 J.) 

58. Q- "YHio was the first one in the history 
of Christianity to use the tactics of the Uniled 

A. Judas, by betraying Our Lord with a kiss. 

59. Q. Why did Judas In-tray hy a kiss? 

A. Because Judas knew that Divinity was sacred, 
iliit iicould be overthrown only by some external 
mark rf affection. 

60, Q, Why do Communists use the United 
Front tactics? 

A. Because they know certain things in our 
American life are so sacred, namely, our govern- 
ment, aur right to property, our right to liberty 
and our right to freedom of conscience, that they 
can be overthrown only by a mark of affection— 
by pretending they arc our friends. 

61. Q. How long will Communism be suc- 
cessful with its new tactics hi the United 

A. M long as Americans are gullible enough to 

be deceived. , im 

Study these ™,.H,„, pamphtfu, „„, ( ualrh jor „„„ one> 
Khwk we will publish shortly „ n Communism'. . 






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